Baker-Kehoe Realty LLC
Gladwin Real Estate Agents
1557 W. M-61, Gladwin MI 48624
Office: 989.426.0664
Jim Baker: 989.429.0123
Ivie Baker: 989.429.0124

Lake Lancer & Lake Lancelot (Gladwin County)

Lake Lancer: Approximately 780+/- Acres
Deepest Point: 30 ft.
All Sports Lake
Public Access
Lake Lancelot : Approximately 230+/- Acres
All Sports Lake
No Public Access
Beautiful lakes within the Sugar Springs Resort.
A lot of sandy swimming areas, including several
private beach clubs for Sugar Springs residents.
Lake Lancer has a public boat launch access at the
southeast end of the lake, behind the Butman Twp Hall.
No public access on Lake Lancelot, (Private Lake).
Sugar Springs amenities include 2 golf courses, clubhouse,
lounge restaurant, campground, and swimming pool.
(For residents and public).
Stores and restaurants nearby.
Approx 15 minutes from Gladwin and 20 minutes from West Branch.
Location: Gladwin County, Butman Twp.
This lake is a very popular recreational lake for all seasons.